Thursday, January 28, 2010

Blood Cleanup and cleanup procedure

Blood cleanup services found here include crime scene clean up, homicide cleanup, suicide cleanup, and unattended death cleanup. Cleaning after a death and massive blood loss follows certain steps and rules, "cleaning protocols" some say. These steps ensure that the death scene's tranquility remains untouched until the coroner or medical examiner gives a clearance for cleaning to begin. This is an important step because cleaners found entering a dwelling before gaining clearance violate county ordinances, a misdemeanor in some cases.


1. Use safety glasses and laboratory gloves (latex, nitrile, etc.)
2. Mix a 10% solution of ordinary household bleach.
3. Apply bleach solution to the spilled blood.
4. Allow 30 minutes contact time.
5. Clean using absorbent paper towels starting from the outside of the spill, working
toward the center.
6. Bag the used Blood cleanup materials as solid waste.
7. Discard gloves and wash hands thoroughly using hand soap.


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